Die NFIA (Nordic Folkboat International Association) hat zwei Änderungen zu den Klassenvorschriften bekannt gegegben:
1) 1.94(c) The manufacturer of the aluminium alloy mast is obligated to construct the mast in accordance with the current rules. The prototype has to be approved by NFIA.
This amendment was discussed during the last AGM in Simrishamn and was unanimously agreed by the attendants.
2) 2.216 to 2.219: IROKO is added as possible alternative for wooden components on the boat. This was decided by the Board for environmental reasons: As everybody knows, TEAK is from an environmental point of view a much endangered material. In order to provide an alternative which is not at risk but has similar characteristics, IROKO was chosen and is now permitted according to CR 2.216 to 2.219.
Beide Punkte wurden bereits in den Nachrichten der Vorstandssitzung der NFIA vom November '18 mitgeteilt.
Link NFIA Board Meeting
Die aktuellen Klassenvoschriften sind auf der Website der NFIA vorhanden.
Link NFIA Class Rules